Being John Malkovich [retro viewing]

Get ready for a head trip.

This mutant viewing was done over IM, across three nations and two hemispheres simultaneously. God bless the internet.

Alex: Well, are we ready to dive into Malkovich’s head? I’m ready.

Justin: The curtain intro reminds me of Moulin Rouge a bit.

Rich: Yeah, kinda – I hadn’t thought about that – they’re not the most similar of films…

Justin: No… but I just dig the puppetry here… freaky in its movements

Alex: The doll’s hair reminds me of most depictions of Christ.

Rich: It’s amazing expression they can get out of those puppets – it’s pretty masterful.

Alex: It’s so excellent.

Justin: Wonder why those strings don’t get tangled?

Alex: Makes you wonder why no one actually does this sort of thing, or if they do, why it isn’t more popular.

Rich: Of course, I’m sure Alex would actually prefer to see the real John Cusack doing naked ballet around his apartment to start this film.

Alex: Hey, I wouldn’t be complaining. Clare should be here now…

Justin: Yeah she should… Hmm… the English major in me wonders if there’s some connection between puppetry and the theme of being a puppet master, puppeteering inside someone’s head.

Alex: Who can talk like that so early after waking up?

Justin: This is the most icky both people have looked… I think both Cusack and Diaz just came into work looking how they normally do, with no makeup.

Alex: The English major in me is giving a nod to your inner English major.

Rich: Absolutely. I remember watching this for the first time and not even realising it was Diaz for half an hour.

Alex: It’s the Attack of the 50ft Nicole Kidman!

Justin: John Cusack looks like John Romero here, doesn’t he Rich?

Rich: Very much so – I think it’s the glasses that do it.

Justin: Heh. Daikatana. Idiot.

Rich: *chuckle* Any time now a mod of rabid gamers are gonna lynch him….

Justin: This is still more clean than most Shakespeare… dirty old man.

Alex: Heheh…. I adore the little girl’s expression, watching this….

Justin: Is that puppet making love to the wall? I mean, cause it looks like that.

Rich: One of my old English teachers used to take great pleasure in explaining all the grotty parts of the Shakespeare plays we were reading…

Justin: “Not again” hahaha… Grotty?

Alex: His middle name is pathos…

Rich: You know, like the elderly Capulets speach in the party in R&J, when he’s talking about…’young girls’.

Justin: I know we’re at the beginning of the film here, but I just want to state for the record that the end of this flick kinda really creeps me out. BJM could’ve gone with a lighter tone, or a way dark one, and instead managed to straddle the line almost perfectly.

Alex: I wish I’d had more English teachers like that…. as was, I only had one, who treated us to more interesting interpretations of the middle english in the Canterbury Tales. That’s such a great weird concept.

Rich: I love the idea of the 7 1/2 floor. It sets the surreal tone of the film immediately.

Justin: Good old floor 7 1/2… Harry Potter’s train station has nothing on this.

Aggresive little puddy cat, ain't she?

Alex: Mini-Me would feel right at home.

Justin: The floor is all miniaturized, kinda like the puppet stages.

Alex: You’re going all term papery on us, J…

Rich: I truly wish I could hire a receptionist like that.

Justin: I’d get so claustrophobic on that floor. What town is this supposed to be?

Rich: Chicago, I think. One of my favourite interview questions coming up. I’d love to use this question if I ever get to interview someone for a job.

Alex: LOL… speech impediment.

Justin: Tricksey, these people.

Alex: Like hobittses!

Rich: Working here would do my poor back no good, let me tell you.

Justin: I’d just scoot around in an office chair, or get a wheelchair. I can’t envision a scenario where someone thought of the story to this film, but I really have to imagine that it was based off a dream of some sort. They should’ve gotten some midgets to do the infomercial for the 7 1/2 floor.

Rich: MMMMMMMAxine!!!

Alex: Where ye and yer accursed kind can live in peace… heheh.

Rich: Such a beautiful love story, between midget girl and Irish sea captain.

Justin: Wow, this video has horrible production values… reminds me of the BBC for some reason.

Alex: Great outfit.

Justin: “Cursed kind”… I’m using that this week.

Rich: It reminds me of the videos we use at the University. Yeah, she’s hawt.

Alex: Scary thing…. I know people like them, keeping entire menageries in their small homes.

Rich: Isn’t there some screen adage about not working with children or animals? Poor Cusack/Diaz…

Justin: “Hi! I’m the tragic fall guy! And you must be the heartless wench who gets away with it all!” The lighting in their apartment is sooo bad… All apartments should come with a monkey on the sink.

Rich: “Tragic Fall Guy”? Read “Idiot unable to deal with the real world.”

Alex: I love how Cusack and Diaz are depicted so scuzzily in their appearances… It’s so… normal, and not at all.

Justin: Dude, just give her a baby, then she’ll stop taking in animals for compensation. Johnnie doesn’t need any lines to get into someone’s pants that I know.

Alex: Okay, I am so Flores.

Rich: I have no idea what you’re typing, Alex…

Justin: She has her doctorate in Typing Impedimentology.

Alex: ? heheh

Rich: Oh, disturbing…

Alex: I wouldn’t mind being alphabetized either…

Justin: Product placement for carrot juice!

Alex: Hehe, Ooh yea. That sounds delicious, AND nutricious.

Justin: HAHAHAHA I’m telling my grandma that she’s my “link with history” and has something still to offer! The old guy is me in about fifty years.

Rich: This is the best way to guess a girl’s name – I think she wants him now.

Alex: Baaarrrroooooobbeeeelloooooogggaaarlllaaaatterrrrrssuuuuuuusssshieeeemmmmaaaaaszzeeeee

Justin: She’s evil and he’s an idiot… this ain’t gonna be pretty.

Alex: I can’t help it that Lester and I share common thought patterns.

Rich: Talking to Doctor Lester would be the most disturbing experience of my existence, I believe.

Justin: Loads of dark lighting in here.

Alex: What kind of guy orders a light beer? Rich? Any thoughts?

Rich: You know, I just can’t help feeling bad for John.

Justin: Man I hate her.

Alex: She is hateable. Damn good portrayal.

Justin: Dog boy. Woof.

Rich: “I’nm a puppeteer…” “check”

Justin: Cameron, get your hands off John’s monkey!

Rich: Ew – monkey cooties!

Alex: That’s just gross. Makes you wonder what else she shares with the monkeys.

Rich: You need to get your mind seriously out of the gutter, Lexi.

Alex: It’d be easier if it didn’t keep getting shoved in there by you guys… heh.

Justin: You couldn’t pay me to sleep in that apartment… I’d hate to wake up with something strange on my face.

Rich: Sounds like an average Saturday night for me… oh wait, did I type that or just think it?

Justin: This mutant viewing is rated “R” for brief scenes of nudity, violent uses of bad puns, and disturbing images of violence against monkeys.

Rich: Now I can’t feel sorry for Craig; he’s a creep. Maxine might not be the nicest girl on Earth, but jeez…

Justin: I feel sorry for him… He seems like a product of his environment instead of a guy who’s honestly had options to make his life better.

Alex: Puppet Infidelity is a very serious marital issue.

Justin: Lots of guys I know play with dolls. But they call them “action figures.”

Rich: *ducks*

Alex: Hehehe

Rich: OK – now lets go from ‘creepy and tragic’ to ‘totally out of your mind’ in one easy step.

Alex: Calls into question the idea of Fate, or Happenstance…

Rich: This commentary is a strange mixture of serious film commentary and terrible punning. Some day, all DVD commentaries will be this way…

Alex: That’s what we excel at, isn’t it?

Justin: The door behind the cabinets reminds me of the attic doors of my grandparents house in New Jersey… And we all know that if you find a strange door in movies, you’re overwhelmingly compelled to got through it.

Alex: A little Alice In Wonderland action, here.

50 geezers, Cameron with a bad 'do, and a monkey. Just a typical Saturday night at my place!

Rich: Honestly, if I found that where I worked, I would stay away and call pest control… we get some BIG rats.

Justin: You guys do have a severe rat problem in England, I know I’ve read about it.

Alex: Oooh, is *that* why they’re importing cats from Greece?

Justin: So is that Malkie’s ear canal he goes through? Cause it’s all sticky on the floor… ear wax…

Rich: I think later on that we find out it’s something like that.

Justin: It’s been a few years since I’ve seen this.

Alex: Same here… it’s like watching a new movie, almost. I have to wonder how much of these actions are actually provided accurately by JM himself…

Rich: Almost all of it, apparently – I read an interview where he said he really enjoyed doing these bits.

Justin: Wonder how they did the mirror thing without showing the camera… clever.

Alex: The voices are done really well…. Think about how you hear your own voice when you’re talking to someone else…

Rich: I love the way it just randomly deposits you on the edge of the Jersey turnpike as well.

Justin: The stereo effect of JM talking comes through muffled in both speakers like you’re right in his head… cool.

Alex: And just… where exactly do you fall from when you get ejected from someone’s head?

Justin: Ah NYC, not Chicago.

Alex: LOL… That Jewel Thief movie…

Rich: “Lots of things, that Jewel Thief movie for example” I keep forgetting all the great lines in this film.

Justin: BJM as a fairy tale in modern settings… the abuse of magical power, the evil witch…

Rich: Erk – also, the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg as well.

Justin: Did she just tell him in a motion to jump over the railing to his death?

Rich: And again, a nice commentary on humanity; the first instinct of the ‘powerful’ is to exploit anything new for personal gain.

Alex: And his desperation for greatness overriding his recognition of the important things in life, like Diaz, who actually loves him.

Justin: I don’t think she does love him. ARGH! She’s so evil! Evil! I want to spray her with anti-evil spray and watch her bubble and melt down the drain crying “What a world… what a world!”

Rich: But she’s not; she’s not evil, just selfish.

Justin: Maxine? Maxine is evil.

Alex: Deeply deeply selfish.

Rich: Diaz doesn’t love him.

Justin: Diaz is selfish. But… then so is Johnny.

Alex: She becomes self-obsessed after she meets Maxine. Ah, a Strange Days moment, almost. In reverse.

Rich: Really, I think Maxine is the smost honest of the 3 characters. She never disguises her motives to anyone. Lotte and Craig are lying both to themselves and to each other.

Justin: Don’t show us JM’s willy! Please! Cover up your shame, man!

Rich: lol willy lol

Justin: So… you can feel sexy toweling off?

Rich: I feel sexy all the time, baby. Towelling is just an added bonus.

Alex: Why don’t you guys tell me?

Justin: Well… it’s not that exciting… Maybe if you’re Malkie, but generally the feeling is “getting less wet” instead of “brink of orgasm.”

Alex: The Fifth door, on my left.

Rich: Come on, Diaz – 5th door on the left is not that hard… you nosy person you.

Justin: Loads of doors in this movie.

Rich: Also all these are apparently Malkoviches personal photos.

Justin: We should’ve kept count how many times someone said Malkie’s name in this film.

Alex: You’d think that a persona as strong and independent as JM would be too difficult to take over by someone like Johnnie or Diaz.

Justin: Ah, I think it’s just a facade, he’s a big softy in real life.

Rich: Whoa – blatant genetalia talk from Diaz – how often will you seee that in a film again I wonder?

Justin: So… she just called Malkie a hermaphrodite?

Rich: I think so; either that, or had a profound revelation about her sexuality.

Alex: JM Inc…. brilliant. Yeps… and used the V word at least three times.

Justin: John, no girl is worth making such a fool out of yourself for.

Rich: The fact that Maxine is loving this really makes me chuckle.

Alex: Great lines, again. She’s in Luuuuuuuv!

Justin: Yeah, this movie is a lot more quotable than I remember.

Alex: Again…. are we seeing the *real* JM?

Rich: Apparently, not. John said he is playing a caricature of himself…. He’s listed in the credits as John ‘Horatio’ Malkovich; which isn’t his real middle name.

Alex: General Malkovich, sir?

Rich: And Lotte begins to influence Malkovich’s thinking….

Justin: Wow… John Cusack just gets all sorts of emasculated in this film.

Rich: It’s the guy from Things To Do In Denver…

Alex: That’s what’s got me wondering.

Rich: Yeah; he immediately loses control to the women in his life.

Justin: Actually both of them get undercut by the women… Malkie is manipulated by both of the girls from within, and Johnnie is used and discarded hard.

Alex: Ew… what a pity remark.

Justin: I think they’re really racking up the toll fares for being out on the turnpike this much.

Rich: Bizarre infidelity guilt from Lotte there when she won’t tell Craig what Malkovich was doing.

Alex: “Probably the least intriguing thing about me…” They are both cheating on each other wanting Maxine. “I won’t fit in Malkovich!”

Justin: Does that make Maxine the most honorable character, in that she’s not cheating?

What did you mom tell you about posture?

Rich: Like I said – she’s the most honest of the 3.

Justin: Most honest, not most honorable then.

Rich: She never disguises her motives to any of the other characters.

Justin: This is actually a good business idea… if they had just stuck with it they would’ve made a fortune.

Alex: I do agree with the earlier comment that she is most honorable in never denying her true intentions, obsession takes over.

Justin: My life is more exciting than Malkie’s…

Rich: Mmmm – I have a hankering for Chinese food now.

Justin: Don’t get Alex started. She’ll start singing about wasabi and then it’ll all be over. So is Diaz wearing a wig, I hope?

Alex: Wrong cuisine darlin’. Nope, they actually traumatized her hair to get that effect… Electrocution.

Rich: I love that Lotti is so blatantly flirting with Maxine.

Justin: Maxine has horse teeth. Just say neigh.

Alex: Ah, the doobie scene.

Rich: This is an important speech.

Justin: Thank you, Professor Richard.

Alex: They are both so enamoured of her.

Rich: My pleasure, students. Want me to spell it out for you, or want to figure it out for yourself?

Justin: Oh, please do Rich. Okay, if I was Johnnie, I would just bail, move away and start over… he’s not gonna win… and if I was Lottie, I’d smother Maxine with a pillow. “Feminine Longing”… do they sell that on the aisle with the maxi-pads Alex?

Rich: Both are now crushed, but at least Lotte has a hope by creating the Most Dysfunctional Relationship ever.

Justin: Haha… I just remembered this won our “most messed up relationship” award.

Alex: Ah yes… Well deserved it was.

Rich: I mean, it’s pretty hard to compete. There are family trees in Arkansas less messed up than this.

Justin: So, who is our real hero here? We’re left with Malkie, the least dishonest, least dispicable, least idiotic of the four.

Alex: It’s messed up that he actually *said* “Shall we to the boudoir?” I’m rooting for JM.

Rich: Malkovich is, I guess – or Dr. Lester – take your pick.

Justin: Lester does rock. She’s bizarre. I’d be freaked out if a girl started charging at me like that

Rich: “Did you call me Lotte”, “Do you mind?”, “Not really…”

Alex: And Lottie thinks this is “so right.” Who’s got Penis Envy now? (argh.)

Rich: 15 minutes? Wow, Malkovich must not have much ‘action’ in his normal life…

Justin: Hey, 15 minutes is a marathon. You just know this movie spurred on some odd-as-heck sexual subgroup to take root on the internet… one of those fantasy groups that have turn-ons in things that they can never achieve, like being inside someone’s body and then having sex with someone else.

Alex: The Maxine Action Figure.

Justin: It’s a doll! Not an action figure!

Rich: Sadly, there are no perversions which don’t have a support group on the internet, I guess.

Justin: The music is so moody… creepy moody.

Alex: The music is fabulous, all the way through. Craigy. I hate her.

Rich: That’s it – snapping time.

Justin: Yes, she IS evil! About darn time you said that!

Rich: WHY? Don’t hate Maxine – it’s Craig doing this to himself. If he had any sense of realism this wouldn’t be a problem.

Alex: About time he realized it for himself…

Justin: And you know what you do with evil, Johnny? You get the hacksaw and you have a bout of “temporary insanity”!

Alex: They’ve got what’s known as “issues”… For more information, please contact your local psychologist.

Rich: These guys are a psychiatrist’s wet dream.

Justin: Maxine is heartless… yes, Craig is pathetic, but she honestly doesn’t care, she doesn’t care that she hurts him and she’s not much better with Lottie.

Rich: Lottie and Craig are both torn by their obsession – but Maxine is in love with the power she gets from Malkovich/Lotte – no-one gets out of this without scars.

Alex: Lottie is just as desperate as Craig….she’s just twisted in another direction….

Rich: Richard IIII

Justin: I like how they save some of the twists, the explanations towards the end… this movie doesn’t show all its cards up front.

Alex: One of my favorite scenes… Another great line. It’s really well done.

Rich: Is this Charlie Sheen cameo one?

Justin: I really forgot how dark this movie was… in my mind there were a lot more flowers and dancing elves. She’s KISSING the MONKeY!!!

Rich: I love Charlie Sheen in this film.

Alex: He’s great. And in comparison to a movie like Adaptation, it stands even higher. Sheen is fantastic.

Justin: Sheen’s got the ‘burns going.

Alex: Hot Lesbian Witches…

Rich: “Hot Lesbian Witches – think about it…”

Alex: Come across that title in your Video Store days, J?

Rich: Oh – classic role reversal; the celebrity stalking the ‘normal’ woman…

Alex: It’s great how they actually address all the messed up questions that people have as they get further into the concept here…

Justin: They all look like hunchbacks on the 7 1/2 floor… and wasn’t Malkie playing a hunchback in the play? I know, weak connection.

Alex: What *does* actually happen if Malkovich goes into his own head?

Rich: Yes, Richard III is the classic film hunchback.

Alex: I’m really behind on all the classical refs and whatnot.

Justin: That’s your field babe, I just vacation there.

Rich: Now, this is where my brain justr dribbles out of my ears for 5 minutes… Scary, scary stuff coming up.

Alex: Yeah, my sentiments exactly.

Justin: This film is really like someone’s dream.

Alex: Gotta admire, in a way, the devil-may care attitude from Max.

Justin: Wonder if more people have doors leading to their heads?

Rich: Too coherant to be any of my dreams. OK, now I’m disturbed!!!!

Alex: What *is* the reasoning here…

Rich: I’d love one of those menus that just says ‘Malkovich’ on it all over.

Justin: Malkie with boobs… wow.

Rich: Kinda reminds me of you, J.

Alex: He goes into his own head… physically…?

Justin: Thanks Rich. His mind has folded over on itself… It’s a mirror.

Alex: lol…. I held myself back for so long.

Rich: I’d love to be at that Trial…

Alex: It’s my head, Schwartz, it’s my HEAD! Lottie’s got a point there, with the 10 ft. pole thing.

Is that doll a

Justin: Hehe how did the guy driving know that that was Malkie… in the dark, from behind?

Rich: He’s a veteran of the Malkovich ride — he recognises the way he walks. Try hard enough, you can justify anything.

Alex: “Yeah, just let me out of the cage so I can hurt you back…” Craziness.

Justin: So what’s the point of the monkey’s POV?

Rich: How many films have monkey flashback sequences, I wonder?

Justin: Not too many, Rich. But every film could use one.

Rich: I think it’s what encourages the monkey to untie Lotte.

Alex: LOL… I totally forgot about this! Yep… it sure would have livened up The Piano some…

Justin: Or Powder. Man, I loathe that movie.

Alex: Maxine begins to see the new possibilities. Love? That’s a tool to her.

Justin: Maxine isn’t in love, she’s just all out for herself… if using Lottie makes her happier, then great, she simulates love.

Rich: Precisely; but she’s always blatantly honest with people. Her morals suck, but her methods at least are clear.

Justin: An honest thief is still a thief.

Alex: Back to square -1 for Lottie. Heheh…

Justin: Malkie doesn’t want to eat a sex omolette?

Alex: That is kinda funny, in a very perverse sort of way.

Rich: This film brilliantly flip-clops between comedy and tragedy.

Justin: I think this movie gets a heck of a lot more enjoyable when you just finally give up on the dysfunctional trio and enjoy Malkie for who and what he is.

Rich: Even though it’s completely disfunctional and everyone is screwed, you can’t help but laugh.

Alex: And it’s so scrumptiously weird.

Justin: Like a little crumpet.

Rich: Are crumpets weird?

Justin: We’re all caught up in the explanations here.

Alex: Odd, how they got people to publish these books…

Rich: Yep; the brilliantly surreal yet logic exposition is truly amazing.

Justin: Watch out, that hammer of foreshadowing is about to hit you.

Rich: No — not foreshadowing!!!

Alex: Bang & Olufsen product placement.

Justin: Alex, as a girl, if you met a guy who could do puppeteering like that, would you be impressed or repulsed?

Alex: hahah

Rich: Some women will say anything to avoid sex…”Do a puppet show for me”

Alex: Danes will one day rule the world!! Nice re-enactment of the first scene. That’s some gut Malkie’s got started there.

Rich: Yep — John Malkovich deserves a big medal for being willing to make such a jackass of himself.

Alex: Ah, Dervish dancing… I love it. Malkie revolting against Craig is great.

Justin: I’m laughing at Malkie spazzing out over the two of them taking over his life.

Rich: Yeah, every times something they say is against Malkovich’s best interests, it really funny.

Alex: She’s rubbing off on him in all the wrong ways.

Justin: “He gets acting work occasionally”

Rich: That’s a classic line

Justin: I’ve always wondered what it’s like to have a penis and be bald…

Alex: The C*** of Reception? Are agents really like this?

Rich: My agent never says that. Oh, I don’t have an agent.

Alex: I know mine doesn’t…

Justin: That’s just such an awkward name to call someone. You know he’s proud of having thought it up.

Alex: Cue evil laughter.

Rich: Pregnant Maxine — who would have thunk it.

Alex: Arrrgh, his hair!

Rich: Dangerous Liasons — great film.

Justin: So, do all those people just stay in that room and live there until their next jump into a new vessel?

Rich: I guess.

Alex: Ah, the autobiographical puppet-show…

Justin: Wow, Andy Dick must’ve paid THEM to appear as a cameo. Topogigo?

Alex: Went over my head…

Rich: And mine.

Justin: And if the three of us don’t know what it means, it doesn’t exist.

Alex: Wife and manager… Horrible dress. Great coat.

Justin: She’s like a giant explosion of lace.

Rich: Brad Pitt in world funniest no-line cameo.

Justin: He had a great look.

Alex: (obligatory costume commentary) Aw, little Lottie doll.

Rich: Oh, irony; Maxine really DID love Lottie… or did she…

Justin: She loved Lottie, but she loved herself and her own advancement more. She only will be with Lottie if the two coincide.

Alex: I concur. Dr., Do you concur?

Rich: Sounds reasonable.

Justin: Ah, you’re supposed to say I concur back.

Rich: Really? Darn my lack of injokeitude!

Justin: A line from Hot Shots! comes to mind: “When I look at all of you I think to myself, what I wouldn’t give to be 20 years younger… and a woman”

Alex: Is that a real puppet? I mean, actually.

Justin: A real person being manipulated.

Rich: If it’s not, I’d hate to be the guy in the all-wooden suit.

Alex: Exactly what I was thinking. That’s such a cool idea though. The visuals are so strong throughout the whole film…

Rich: This is so twisted, even I don’t know what the right thing for any of the characters to do is any more.

Alex: It’s amazing.

Justin: I wouldn’t leave if I was him. He’s dug his Malkie-shaped hole, he should stay in it.

Rich: Great Love/Hate conflict in Lottie’s face there.

Justin: Mmm instant oatmeal break.

Alex: Nope… why doesn’t he get it by now? He admitted it himself that he knew Maxine would have nothing to do with him if he weren’t Malkie.

Rich: This is just great — the camerawork here is fantastic.

Alex: This is great too… better than the Malk in Malk’s own head scene.

Justin: This movie just going from wacky to ludicrous to insane and back. So why is Lottie trying to kill Maxine?

Alex: Jealous rage. What happens if Lottie shoots one of the Subconscious inhabitants?

Rich: All these questions must be answered — but I got nothing.

Justin: You know what this sequence reminds me of… that one painting by McEscher.

Alex: Good for you Lottie! Lottie’s the father…

Rich: OK, this is so far out of my experience, I give up.


Rich: You know, when a chick says that, that’s gonna scar you for LIFE.

Alex: This is where Craig loses it. Isn’t it?

Justin: You know why I love this movie? It’s because it makes any of my past relationships, no matter how messed-up they were, seem downright mundane and normal.

Rich: Yep.

Justin: None of my girlfriends have dumped me for a girl they impregnated while in the host body of a celebrity.

Rich: Yeah, that never happened to me, either. Well, apart from that one time.

Justin: Well, the day is young.

Alex: Well, there was that one time with this girl I met at college… I’m not quick enough when I’m this caught up in the movie…

Rich: Poor JM — thats the last chance he gets to be himself. Thats really sad.

Alex: Poor Malkie.

Justin: We’re all getting caught up in it… we need a less serious and deep flick for our next viewing.

Alex: “I can see! *smack* Oh wait, I was wrong….”

Justin: And ladies and gentlemen, the cast of Cocoon.

Rich: And in the end, everyone’s happy except for Craig. Lotte and Maxine have each other; Lester and his guys have Malkovich, and Craig loses everything.

Justin: Well, I imagine Malkie isn’t too thrilled.

Rich: Good point.

Justin: Now that he’s a schitzo for life.

Rich: Notice that Craig has got the wooden plank he took into Malkovich’s head the first time. Oh — Old Charlie Sheen and John Malkovich rule.

Alex: LOL… nice head on Sheen. Malkatraz…

Rich: Ma-sheen.

Justin: What a forehead on Sheen.

Rich: I love the way Gary Sinese gets a mention.

Alex: What happens to your personal identity when you’ve been through enough vessels?

Justin: Note to Charlie Sheen: Don’t rely heavily on the combover in your old age.

Rich: OK, now that’s an Oedipus complex that no-one needs.

Justin: So, will all the old people reappear, or are they all just one person now?

Alex: Thank you Spike… that was a real pleasure.

Rich: All the old people are ‘living’ together in Malkovich’s head I think — like Herman’s Head writ large.

Alex: lol… That was a good show… It’s like one of those Russian nesting dolls…

Justin: So… straighten me out… Johnnie went BACK into the tunnel, but too late. I thought they showed it, but I didn’t see it here.

Rich: Correct, and got dumped into the body of ‘his’ child, but into her subconscious, where he now watches mutely.

Alex: Yeah, I seem to remember seeing it when I watched it in the theatre.

Justin: I understand what happened, I just thought they showed Craig going back… and they never show him after being on the turnpike. Implied instead of shown.

Alex: Credited as Girl Creeped Out By Malkovich.

Rich: A nice bit of Bjork here – isn’t she Danish, Lexi?

Alex: You’re going to force me to go get my spear, aren’t you Justin?

Justin: That was Rich.

Alex: Ack.

Justin: Rich is not Justin. For future reference, please keep the two separate in your head.

Rich: No it wasn’t — blame him. It was Justin inside my head, telling me to type that.

Alex: Justin, I really like you, but in Rich’s body, okay?

Justin: Oh, as long as I can call you Lottie and make Rich dance like an idiot in a skirt.

Alex: Do I have a problem with that? … Nah….

Rich: Hey, sounds like a normal Saturday night for me… did I just type that AGAIN…?

Justin: For the record: I don’t like Bjork.

Alex: Me neither.

Rich: Really; I think she’s either fantastic or rubbish.

Justin: And that swan dress at the Oscars didn’t work to sway me back toward her.

Alex: I can listen to it, but I eventually find it to annoying.

Justin: It just sounds like a song that someone is making up as they go. I can do that, ask my dog.

Rich: Hey, Caeser…

Justin: “Malkovich Malkovich Lounge Music” as one of the songs in the credits.

Alex: Yeah, I caught that too.

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